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Science in  English

Merci à Madame HECHI  pour son aide

Thanks to Mrs HECHI for her help

Dans cette classe option biodiversité, les élèves travaillent aussi les sciences en anglais. Ils commencent dès la 6e à pratiquer l'anglais avec les mots transparents puis avec les différentes leçons dispensées par Madame HECHI.

grâce à de petits films mis en scène,  les élèves se familiarisent avec cette langue internationale.

In this biodiversity option class, students also work sciences in English. They start from 6th to practice English with clear words and with different lessons given by Mrs. Hechi. 

through small films directed, students become familiar with this international language.

Mr MALEPLATE  Science Lab. "have got"

The science lab

In our science lab, we have got a lot of pets : hamsters, insects, turtles, a mouse, spiders… There are computers, a skeleton, drawings, pitures, plants.

Mr MALEPLATE has got a ruler, a rubber, pens, a pencil case.

He has got a school bag.

He has got a microscope.

Mr MALEPLATE has got papers on his desk.

He has got precious stones.

Our teacher has got a video project.

Mr MALEPLATE is handsome.

He is middle-aged.

He’ s got straight and short hair.

He’ s got glasses.

Mr MALEPLATE has got big brown eyes.

He is funny.

Mr MALEPLATE is of medium height.

Lea  Assistant teacher

Léa une ancienne élève de Diderot. Elle fait un stage chez nous pour devenir professeur d'Anglais . Elle découvre l'option biodiversité

mais que dit Léa ?

Léa une ancienne élève de Diderot. Elle fait un stage chez nous pour devenir professeur d'Anglais . Elle découvre l'option biodiversité

mais que dit Léa ?

Big Ben : our project 

we did it !!

presentation of experiences

Mais que dit Marie ?


this is our first experience

Scientific procedure

Mais que dit Thomas ?

two experiences,

strictly identical

with one factor that changes

Hamster and dioxygen

for this experience we put the hamster in a box then , we put the dioxygen probe in the hole:

We can...

amine:le lion a 4 pattes

c'est un tétrapode

c'est un vertébré

il peut courir jusqu’à 80km/h

marie:le suricate court vite...

Ilian:l'aigle a 4 menbres ...

In the science lab

We can speak English

We can manipulate hamsters

We can use the computer

We can suggest some ideas

We can feed pets

We can do experiences

We can film and prepare videos

We can take care of animals

what plants need

-plants need water

-need light

-need minerals and heat 

What about  animals ?

we introduce our school and then we speak about animals




details about animals

Servane:le papillon sait voler et a 2 ailes...

Alexis:l'araigné a 8 pattes

Julie/Lola:la girafe a un grand cou...

Marion:la tortue a 4 pattes et deux yeux


Our planet


we must protect the earth,

we must clean up the sea,

we mustn’t drop our litter,

we must save energy.


let’s recycle our rubbish,

this we must decide.

let’s love our special planet,

let’s be on the earth’s side.

The countryside code

Don't pick flowers.

Consider other people.

Keep dogs under control.

Take your litter home.

Don't feed the animals.

Ma chaîne

Ma chaîne

Ma chaîne
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